Buying a home is such an exciting time, but it can also be very overwhelming. One thing that sometimes gets lost in the shuffle of such a stressful experience is the existing Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System in a home. Before purchasing a home in Somerset, Kentucky or surrounding areas, it's crucial to thoroughly assess the HVAC system's condition, as local climate factors can significantly impact your comfort and utility costs.If you are in the homebuying process now, or even just considering it for the future, read on for some tips on what to look for in the HVAC system before saying Yes! To The Address!!

Where Is The System Located? You would not believe the amount of homes that we visit each week where a new homeowner does not know where the HVAC system components are located in their new house. This is a super important thing to find out before buying a home, because you will be the one responsible for changing the filter every month, and you will need to keep an eye on the HVAC unit to monitor it for potential problems (leaks, freezing up, etc..) Just make sure to ask where the HVAC system is located and find out how to access the equipment when you are looking at a new home.
What Is The Age And The Condition Of The Current System? Another super important thing to find out about an HVAC system before buying a home is the age of the system. It's important to remember that most HVAC systems last up to about 15 years. If the system is getting close to the fifteen year mark, you might be faced with more frequent breakdowns or repairs than if you have a newer system. Of course, some systems can last even longer than that with proper maintenance, but that's just a small thing to keep in mind.
Who Is The Company Who Installed The Unit? If possible, always request the installation information and maintenance history of the current HVAC system. This is especially important if the system is newer, as most new systems come with a warranty, and sometimes that can only be honored through the installing contractor. Also, if you can see the maintenance records and confirm that a unit has been regularly serviced over the years, that can go a long way towards giving you some peace of mind that the unit has been well taken care of.
Are There Any Air Quality Accessories Installed With The Unit? Many HVAC systems have air quality accessories that have been installed with them along the way. These can include products like air purifiers, UV lights, and humidifiers or dehumidifiers. Sometimes, these products require additional maintenance, like light bulb changes or filter changes. Defintely find out about these items while checking out the HVAC system.
Has The System Been Professionally Inspected? This is one of the most important things a potential homeowner can do before buying a home. Once you get serious about a particular home, consider hiring a professional HVAC contractor to give the unit a unbiased, third party inspection. This is especially a good idea if you think that the seller might not be giving you accurate information about the HVAC system, such as when it was installed, or how often it has been maintained. We can always come out for a third party HVAC inspection for a potential homeowner for the cost of $89. If you are interested in booking an HVAC inspection online, click the button below!
